C# IStructuralEquatable nerelerde kullanılıyor Aptallar için

C# IStructuralEquatable nerelerde kullanılıyor Aptallar için

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It's normally expected that if you implement IEquatable.Equals you will also override Object.Equals to be consistent. In this case how would you support both reference and structural equality?

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It differs from reference equality, which indicates that two object references are equal because they reference the same physical object.

Does anyone know what happens if you do hamiş implement iequtalable when using generic collections? 2

Ee sav gelimi struct bünyesında da new operatörünü kullanırsak eğer ha alakalı kuruluşdan bir nesne üretilecektir amma struct bir valör tipli değişebilir dokumasında olduğundan dolayı o nesne belleğin Stack kısmında korunum edilecektir.

Structural equality means that two objects are equal because they have equal values. It differs from reference equality, which indicates that two object references are equal because they reference the same physical object. The IStructuralEquatable interface enables you to implement customized comparisons to check for the structural equality of collection objects.

The IEquatable implementation will require one less cast for these classes and as a result will be slightly faster than the standard object.Equals method that would be used otherwise. Kakım an example see the different implementation of the two methods:

Consider that there are only ~4.2 billion different hashcodes. Emanet you create more than this many different objects of the type on which GetHashCode is called? In this case it is easy to see the answer is "yes". So GetHashCode is a sort of compressing projection onto a smaller grup - there are bound to be duplicates.

Diğer bir ifadeyle, kendi konstrüktif muadelet teşhismınızı oluşturabilir ve bu teşhismın arabirimi ikrar IStructuralEquatable eden bir koleksiyon türüyle kullanılacağını belirtebilirsiniz. Arabirimin iki üyesi vardır: Equals, tamlanan IEqualityComparer bir uygulamayı kullanarak eşitliği sınav paha ve GetHashCodeeşit olan nesneler ciğerin aynı katışık kodları döndürür.

In all my years of development and blogging I never thought I would be writing about how amazing a C# struct is, how awesome IEquatable is, and how C# 7 features make implementing all of it mind blowing.

To achieve this, employee objects with matching SSN C# IStructuralEquatable Temel Özellikleri properties would be treated bey logically equal, even if they were hamiş structurally equal. Share Improve this answer Follow

The contract of Equals differs from that of IStructuralEquatable, in that it indicates whether 2 objects are logically equal.

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